Without fear of making a mistake, I know that this article caught your attention, because we all want to achieve that long-awaited figure and that you have surely tried at different times in life, whether it be with exercise, diet, girdles and one or another magic trick. They have sold us on the internet or someone with a super body.
Although it is true that exercise is one of the keys to achieving this long-awaited goal, I have news for you! There are many myths that do NOT help achieve the desired objectives and that we have repeated judiciously in our multiple attempts to obtain a slim and marked figure.
I am going to mention some of the myths that I consider the most popular and that do NOT help us achieve those dreamed abs:
- 1- The more abs you do, the better the result: you can spend all day doing abs, but this will only tire the muscle, also the exercise must be broad and when we work other muscles of the body, the abdomen is inevitably worked, since there concentrates all the force of our body. So when you exercise at home, do a routine that involves all the muscles in your body.
- 2- Exercise is more important than a healthy diet: this myth is completely false, if you perform exercise to reduce belly fat for female at home, you will have to be aware of what you eat or not, since, in our muscles, there is a Fat layer, in some people it may be small, in others large, it all depends on their lifestyle, that it must be gradually reduced supplemented with exercise and healthy diet.
- 3- It is impossible to achieve those abs because everything depends on genetics: although genetics are important, the work you do, the perseverance in your goals and a healthy lifestyle, correspond to 90% of the results. So cheer up, what are you waiting to start exercising and reduce that belly fat at home.
Some of the most effective exercise to reduce belly fat at home are:
- – Leg elevation: lying on a mat or comfortable surface, we raise the legs together at a ninety degree angle to the body, the hands must be extended on the floor and all the force for the elevation must come from the abdomen. We lower and raise the legs for 15 repetitions you rest and repeat the circuit three more times.
- – Knees and elbows: lying on your back, legs extended and hands behind your head, then we gather the legs so that the knees reach our elbows. Straight back and always looking straight ahead. 15 repetitions, rest and repeat the circuit three more times.
- – plank: perhaps this is one of the most effective abdominal exercises, but also with the highest degree of difficulty. We stand face down, resting on our elbows, legs fully stretched and resting on the tips, we raise our hips so that they are aligned with our heads. Hold for one minute, rest, and repeat the exercise, 3-5 times. The idea is that week after week, you increase time and number of repetitions.
As you can see, exercising to reduce belly fat at home is not so difficult, there are a number of routines that will make it very pleasant to perform them every day. Do not forget to complement with a healthy diet, but, above all, enjoy every minute of physical activity, it is a gift that you give yourself and that both body and mind will thank you for.
Finally, do not set yourself very high goals, try to start with small objectives, this will make you more and more motivated and in a few months, you will see the result of your effort.